Double Threat Meme

Meme taken from Strawberry Singh )
Meme Instructions:
 Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your blog post, delete my answers and input your own. Remember to leave your link in the meme's comments so we can all come by, read your answers and secretly judge you. ;P
  1. Two online screen names you’ve had: My main one is nellymoose118, my secondary is definitely secret for a reason. 😉
  2. Two things you’ve done in Second Life: 
    1. I’ve traveled to over 10,000 different places over the years. 
    2. I've also amassed 20k individual items. (rip inventory)
  3. Two things you still want to do in Second Life: 
    1. I want to learn how to make & skin mesh items. 
    2. I want to perfect my roleplaying skills further.
  4. Two things you like about your Second Life avatar: 
    1. I like that I can dress it up any way I feel like, and can even change genders on the fly. 
    2. I love how it can just up and fly around. There are soooo many times I've always wished I could do that irl!
  5. Two of your Second Life Pet Peeves: 
    1. People that hit me up for sex when I'm clearly busy, not dressed for the occasion, or not even in an adult sim. :/ 
    2. People that send rando add requests even though I clearly have it stated in my profile that I don't do that kind of thing. -_- Especially people who've been in SL a long time... You should know better.
  6. Two things you did as a newb that you’re embarrassed of: 
    1. I couldn't figure out how to remove group tags (above your avi's head) for the longest time. It was super embarrassing. 
    2. I also had a god-awful shape - sickly skinny and massive boobs with legs that went on for waaaay too many miles. 
    3. I also used to use a really old laptop with awful graphics so I wasn't aware of the "bling" and weird lights I wore a lot until I borrowed a better pc. .-.; I felt pretty mortified and quickly corrected it.
      Thankfully though, when I first joined I was blessed to have someone show me a bunch of the ropes so I wasn't too bad off as far as the general stuff; movement, opening stuff and putting it on, adjusting, etc. (Bless all the noob teachers! You are doing god's work my friend. 10/10. Will buy you a beer.)
  7. Two of your closest friends in Second Life: Lyra Starr (my irl SO ❤️)
  8. Two of the most beloved things in your inventory: 
    1. Abyss Designs "Kigurumi Pyjama Cat
    2. Pretty Girl "Mia Model Avatar"
  9. Two things you love about Second Life: 
    1. I love putting together new outfits, I find it very peaceful & freeing. 
    2. I also love exploring every corner of SL. I love seeing all the amazing creative things people have made and put together!
  10. Two video games you’ve played: Minecraft & Skyrim are my two go-to faves besides SL.
  1. ⊱✿  Credits  ✿⊰
  • Hair:HF2 Rigged Mesh Hair - Leslie
  • Eyes: AD Neko Ocean Stars
  • Skin: S Milena Cleav
  • Shape: Mai Model, Pretty Girl
  • Glasses: Karacter Executive Glasses
  • Ears: Le Mrrrow
  • Tail: PN Classic Neko Tribal Tail
  • Dress: ROA Gypsy Curse Dress
  • Nails: Kerrik! Rigged Mesh Fingernails
  • Jewelry: Cazimi Innara Gold & Peach & BastChild Bangles Gold & Rozoreglia Carpe Diem No 1 diamond
  • Shoes: GG Super Stilettos - Black

20 Personal SL Questions Meme

Meme taken from Strawberry Singh )
Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your blog post, delete my answers and input your own. Remember to leave your link in the meme's comments so we can all come by, read your answers and secretly judge you. ;P
  1. When and how did you discover Second Life? – I found out about Second Life through the 2008 documentary about the "Up and coming virtual worlds" at the time. I have been in SL since 6/15/2011 - 6 years to date.
  2. Did you know about virtual worlds before or was this your first experience with them? – Yes for sure. I greatly enjoyed minecraft and The Sims before joining SL.
  3. Has Second Life met your expectations? – It has far surpassed many of my expectations. Especially the creativity! But one thing I wish was more prevalent is educational classes. Basically either College level or TED Talks with interactive elements and Q&A. /nerd 🤓
  4. If you could teleport back to the first ten minutes of your avatar’s slife, what would you tell yourself? – A) Pick a better username. B) You don't have to participate in anything if you don't want to. C) But it's also ok to talk to people and do whatever you want to. Don't let you social anxiety get in the way!
  5. How long did it take you to master avatar flying and driving vehicles inworld? – I had the general controls down pretty quickly. But moving the cam independently was super difficult because it used both multiple keys AND the mouse which I was definitely not used to. I also had the unfortunate situation of having only a laptop so I first tried using the touchpad which was an absolute nightmare before moving to an actual mouse.
  6. Do you have a mystery alt? – I don't really have any alts. The only one I would use would be my SO's if I really needed one.
  7. Is your SL avatar a reflection of you, or someone you wished you could be? – Personality wise, my avi is genuinely just me being myself. I don't put on a persona unless I'm actively in an rp. With Sasha's looks though, even with multiple forms, she's definitely a lot more attractive than I am irl. I do wish I could be irl, but it's fun to at least be able to play it out in-game.
  8. Is there an individual you met in SL that inspired you in your RL? How? – Yes definitely. A lot of the bloggers, dancers/hosts, and other really genuinely friendly, outgoing people inspire me to be more confident in myself and not filled with so much social anxiety. My old rp buddy Mikoshi was super awesome and also filled me with a ton of confidence and was a ton of fun.
  9. Do you feel it is easier to create stronger bonds/relationships with people you meet inworld as opposed to the real world? – For myself, yes it's definitely a lot easier as I have extremely crippling social anxiety. For everyone else, probably not as much as many people prefer actually seeing & touching the other person. Imo, as long as the other person is being genuine and not putting on a persona, then a good solid friendship can happen.
  10. Did you ever imagine or believe people could fall in love with someone they never met before Second Life? – Definitely! Within my own circles I've had several people do just that. My Aunt met her current husband through the extremely early internet dating website days (circa 1998), and I met my ex current SO through another dating site (OkCupid in 2010). (I met my ex on Deviantart in 2008 as well.)
  11. How has your perspective of dating changed (or not) since you started playing second life? – Not really. I think if you really want it, and put a lot of time and effort into it, then it can work out; even if it starts out as long-distance like my relationship did.
  12. How has your perspective of employment changed (or not) since you started playing second life? – I never imagined someone could truly make a good living off of freelance sculpting/scripting or virtual land ownership. I certainly doff my hat to you all!
  13. Name three things in both your lives that overlap each other significantly. – There's certainly an overlap of creativity, exploration, and what little socializing I do.
  14. If you could live your life more immersively in a virtual world, would you? (Kind of like the Matrix) – I don't know if I'd really want to live there full time. But I think it would be awesome to visit.
  15. How do you think behavior changes for people if they’re inworld vs in real world? Why do you think that is? – A few things come to mind. A) The two sides to anonymity. On the bad side people tend to be a lot ruder online period. They think the vale of anonymity grants them that right. (which it certainly does not. fuck you if you do this bs.) B) The good side to the anonymity coin is that it allows good people to be able to do and experience many, many things which would normally be frowned upon irl as people tend to be more open minded in-game. ex: dressing sexily, sexual voyeurism, drug use, etc.
  16. How has second life consumerism changed your perception of spending habits, the value of money, the need to be “bleeding edge” with fashion? – I think it's made me realize how ridiculous fashion is and just how narcissistic people can be in that sense. I think there's too much pressure and emphasis in-game to always get/have the best, a lot more so than irl.
  17. Do you think virtual worlds like SL drive and redefine human interaction or do they narrow and limit it? – I think it certainly helps drive it as we have more and more interactions online now than we do irl.
  18. If technology progressed tomorrow to allow you to send emotions to people the way you’d send text or voice messages, would it enrich your SL experience or infringe on it? – I think it would definitely take some getting used to. I think there would need to be some "fail-safes" in place if you will as I can definitely see trolls abusing it. But all-in-all I think it would be a rewarding experience in time.
  19. Name three skills you attribute to having learned or honed in second life alone. – Photography, time management, better money management.
  20. If your grand kids googled your Second Life Avatar’s name, would they be intrigued, disgusted, proud or something else? – They might temporarily be intrigued but I honestly don't think they'd care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

⊱✿  Credits  ✿⊰

  • Hair: Castellian Olivia Hair - Lava
  • Eyes: AD Neko Ocean Stars
  • Skin: S Milena Cleav
  • Shape: Mai Model, Pretty Girl
  • Glasses: Karacter Executive Glasses
  • Ears: Le Mrrrow
  • Shirt: All About Chica Blouse
  • Jewelry: Cazimi Innara Gold & Peach
  • Shoes: Patulas House Black Flor Heels

Ask Me Anything Meme

Sasha in fox pajamas with dragon stuffed animal sitting in chair with large rose pots beside her.

Meme taken from Strawberry Singh )

Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your blog post, delete my answers and input your own. Remember to leave your link in the meme's comments so we can all come by, read your answers and secretly judge you. ;P
  1. If Linden Lab shut the door on Second Life, what do you think you might do to replace it, or the time you spend on it. Gaming, school, work, reading, other virtual world, etc?
    To be completely honest, I would probably go back to Minecraft, Skyrim, or The Sims.
    I like SL mostly because of the bazillion places to see and explore, with the option to either be social or just quietly keep to one's self. I also love it as you can secondhandedly experance things you'd never be able to irl.
  2. What would you consider your mission statement for your blog?
    To just have fun and share my enjoyment of SL with everyone.
  3. What would you change about your SLife right now if you could just press a magic button and have it automatically happen?
    An auto organizing inventory would be AWESOME lol. Maybe a little extra cash to waste... Otherwise, not much.
  4. What topic would you like to see explored in a non fashion blog post? Anything you are curious about and want someone else to do all the research?
    Literally. anything. Places to see, events to participate in, best hardware/software for running SL in ultra hd (I NEED DEM GRAPHICS), How To's (like "how to take photos / best windlight / looking for good places for photos, & good photoshop techniques to touch them up". "how to buy a sim and set it up". "how best to organize your inventory". "how to "emote" really well". etc.).
  5. Do you have a point of contact in SL? Someone that a person from your RL knows to contact in case something happens to you or you are unable to get online for an extended period of time?
    Nope. I tend to come and go for months at a time (usually because of irl holidays and general busyness). .-.;
  6. What provides you the most inspiration and motivation to keep learning and growing? What keeps you from being held back by the common negativity in SecondLife and elsewhere?
    My own personal inner drive as well as support from my irl Fiance definitely keep me going. I also love seeing all the incredible things people have created in SL - from single objects to full sims. As for the negativity, I either just ignore it or don't hang around constantly negative people. 🙅
  7. How do you deal with other bloggers (who don’t know you personally) that are spiteful towards you?
    Haven't had any thus far. However if I did, I would privately ask them why they felt the way they did and try to fix the situation. If it remained unfixable though I would just ignore them.
  8. What is your advice to those that admire you and what you do, hoping to be able to do some of the same things with as much confidence as you often seem to have?
    I mostly have this with irl things so: I encourage them to just try doing things they love. I personally love influencing and showing people new things that I've come to greatly enjoy. And while I also do appreciate their feedback, I do still go with my gut in the end and do whatever is right for myself and encourage them to do the same.
  9. Name 5 favorite events in Second Life.
    I have only participated in a couple. But I would certainly encourage you to give some a try if you have time. They are usually a blast and very rewarding.
    *  Twisted Hunt  - spring, summer, and fall
    *  SecondLife Hunts - to see all current and upcoming hunts in SL
  10. Name three of your favourite blogs.
    *  StrawberrySingh
    *  FabulouslyFree
    *  DroppingBangers - (rip. i miss you ya cunt)

  11. Extra meme instructions: Do an “Ask Me Anything” post by creating an account on and sharing it with your blog readers, or, answer the same questions I have answered above. I’ve listed them in this text file so they are easy for you to copy and paste.
⊱✿  Credits  ✿⊰
  • Hair: Black bob hair
  • Eyes: AD Neko Ocean Stars
  • Glasses: Karacter Executive Glasses
  • Plushy: KZK Central Dragon Plush (from 2015 Twisted Hunt)
  • Clothes: Abyss Designs Kigurumi Pyjama (cat)
  • Shoes: Hi-Tops Converse Co Star Sneakers
  • Skin: S Milena Cleav
  • Shape: Mai Model, Pretty Girl

More Questions Meme

Meme taken from Strawberry Singh )

Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your blog post, delete my answers and input your own. Remember to leave your link in this meme’s comments so we can all come by, read your answers and secretly judge you.
  1. Which was the last sim you visited? (Other than your home) ✨Dᴇᴇʀ Rɪᴠᴇʀ✨ 

  2. Does your avatar look like the real you? Nope! I love looking so different than my real self. It gives me a huge sense of freedom.
  3. Do you wear underwear/panties underneath your clothing when out and about on the grid? Personally, no because I'm waaaay too lazy. The only time I wear them is when I'm specifically asked or during a lingerie contest. That said, I sometimes do use invisible alpha layers so those bits can't be seen.
  4. If you won a million linden dollars, what would be the first thing you buy in-world? Idk, I'd probably buy a few things I've wanted for awhile, then either hoard it or convert it to a premium subscription. Most likely, just hoard it.
  5. Have you ever bought something in SL and then realized afterwards that you had already owned it from before? Noting too expensive to truly regret. Some of the freebies or super cheap stuff, once or twice.
  6. Have you ever done anything in Second Life that would be considered illegal in real life? Heck yeah! B&E for a photo shoot, drugs, and a bunch of sexual stuff. I think you should try it all at least once in-world because A) no one worth your time will really care & B) you can do basically anything in SL so why not? (With a side caveat for anything sexual being that all parties are 18+ and consenting)
  7. If you could go out on a date with any other avatar, who would it be? Anyone who really wants to I suppose. Idk, I'm not really picky or have a fave person in-game.
  8. Who, in your opinion, was the greatest avatar to ever live? Mikoshi was the most epic guy I've ever met in SL fosho. We lost contact after I took a year and a half off to move and get my shit together irl. Miss ya buddy. ❤️
  9. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done inworld? Omg I have way too much to name. So. Much. Noobing. .-.;
    - I've had issues with poseballs and poses, finding them, using them, having the adjustments off so I'm face-deep in a sofa or in the floor, and always have these problems while someone is waiting on me or in a crowded area so I can look extra nub. They are the bane of my existence.
    - I've had double outfits on and didn't realize it or I thought it was just my horrible slow internet messing up.
    - Fricking doors. I've walked into my fair share and have tried walking through them and wondering wtf was going on until either I realized what was happening or someone else opened it. Sometimes the doors in SL open with a click, sometimes they're avi activated. And with my god-awful internet they are a total pain and very embarrassing to deal with crowded areas or with company. 😖
  10. If your avatar had a mind of its own, what do you think it would say to you? “You change outfits/avis faster than a chameleon changes color.”

Credits  ✿⊰
  • Hair: Castellian Olivia Hair - Lava
  • Eyes: AD Neko Ocean Stars
  • Glasses: Karacter Executive Glasses
  • Ears: Le Mrrrow
  • Shirt: All About Chica Blouse
  • Jewelry: Cazimi Innara Gold & Peach
  • Skin: S Milena Cleav
  • Shape: Mai Model, Pretty Girl

Kick Off & 100 Theme Challenge - 1. Introduction

Am anthro female seer wearing a pink corset dress, and posting in front of a pink willow tree.

Well, to get this blog-thing rolling, I've decided to kick it off by starting the 100 THEME CHALLENGE!

⊱✿  1. Introduction  ✿⊰

Greetings fellow interwebs traveler! My name is  Sasha and I'm currently involved in an interactive social simulator known as "Second Life". Perhaps you've heard of it,

" Second Life is an online virtual world, developed and owned by Linden Lab. It has about 1 million regular users, according to Linden Lab. In many ways, Second Life is similar to MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games), Linden Lab is emphatic that their creation is not a game: “There is no manufactured conflict, no set objective”. The virtual world can be accessed freely via Linden Lab's own client programs, or via alternative Third Party Viewers; Phoenix Firestorm. Second Life users create virtual representations of themselves, called avatars (also called Residents) and are able to interact with other avatars, places or objects. They can explore the world (known as the grid), meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, build, create, shop and trade virtual property and services with one another. It is a platform that principally features 3D-based user-generated content. SL also had its own virtual currency, the Linden Dollar – which was exchangeable with real world currency. Second Life is intended for people aged 16 and over, with the exception of 13–15-year-old users restricted to the Second Life region of a sponsoring institution (e.g. school)." - Wikipedia

I've been on SL for over 2 years and have watched the community and creativity grow in the vast community by leaps and bounds - especially now that MESH is available to use. I still have much more to see and do as new things and events are created EVERY DAY.

( Due to RL moving, I had to go on hiatus for 2 ½ months, but now I'm back and want to continue where I left off - exploring new places, seeing all the new things, and meeting a ton of new people. :3 )

Prior to signing up, I did a TON of research to try to better understand the world/environment of second life, as well as simple things like keyboard controls (how to move around), in-game camera controls (how to look around), what viewers were out there that would best suit my computer (like Phoenix Firestorm - which has an excellent filing system that you'll need desperately once you have a lot in your inventory!), and much, MUCH more. I strongly suggest you do the same to familiarize yourself with things BEFORE going in headfirst.

To any newbies out there, I suggest keeping the SECOND LIFE WIKI bookmarked, and refer to it often when you have a question, or just Google your problem. There's a great chance someone else has encountered your issue and has figured it out. ;) Each viewer also has it's own wiki for Q&A troubleshooting, so refer to those for further instructions.

⊱✿  Avatars  ✿⊰

When I finally joined I was pleased to see that SL had a wide variety of free, beginner default avatars of both genders, and some of no gender.

(female & male default avis)

I chose a gothic vampiress as my beginner avi and took off. It was a bit of a rocky start, but with the greatly appreciated assistance of an experienced player I met, (Sam Dragoone) I was soon off to a great start. =^.^=
As of now, I've helped my own share of newbies get on their feet and begin exploring and enjoying the vast virtual world I've come to know and love.

As for myself, and my own avi, I chose a variety of avis to suit both occasion and my mood. (In-world as such is usually referred to as a "shapeshifter" to less complicate things either in chat or your bio.)




Draft Horse



Human Female


 Border Collie 


The majority of my avis are anthropomorphic (antho) animals because I've found I enjoy being "Furry" much more so, and have enjoyed the community. (In a world that you can literally be WHATEVER you want, why not? ;D)

In RL (real life - eg: offline life) I would say I'm not really a furry, more in the fringes of it as a Neko (Catgirl). At home, I like to wear a cute collar, cat ears, and a tail. When I go out, I sometimes wear the cat-ears, but not usually. My family has come to terms with my lifestyle, and my friends support me wholeheartedly. My sweetheart absolutely LOVES it. X3

⊱✿  Likes & Dislikes  ✿⊰

♥ Friends & the community
♥ The wonderful art that can be found!
♥ Building her own characters
♥ Her sweetheart ;p
♥ Taking photos of the different places she visits
♥ Going to the clubs to dance and listen to excellent music by the talented DJ's
♥ Going to educational lectures (shit's useful as fuck bro. forealz)
♥ PROGRAMMING 8D  (best part. Fucking 10/10 )
♥ Sex  (I use the site called F-List to convey quickly what I do and don't like - I strongly recommend everyone to make one, furry or not. It really helps ^-^ )
♥ Learning how to mod stuff
♥ Building stuff
♥ The water  (when I got a better graphics card, I wanted to swim in the water forealz sooooo bad XD )
♥ Being a sexy Mofo ;P
♥ Literate people (Seriously guys... Good spelling & grammer goes a hella long way...)
♥ D&D/Pathfinder type games, oodles of syfy/fantasy shows, Anime & Manga, Minecaft, Skyrim, comic books, etc.
♥ Roleplays (both sexual & non)

✘ Pushy guys who only want sex... -___-; Shit's annoying as fuck... (No, I'm not here to be your personal sex toy. Contrary to popular belief, I AM A HUMAN BEING WITH SHIT TO DO THAT'S NOT YOU. ಠ____ಠ )
✘ How a lot of human avis look the same
✘ Assholes and "trolls" - especially "trolls" in sandboxes or dedicated "safe zones".
"Furry Haters" and "Furry Abuse Trolls"
✘ People who upload and sell copyrighted content. (Not cool guys, not cool....)
✘ Illiterate people (N0 u cnt tlk lik dis. U finshd 2nd grde, SO FRIGGING SPELL LIKE IT. ಠ____ಠ )
✘ People who leave their frigging mic on all the goddamn time... (Nobody wants to hear you breathe, eat, drink, cough, shit, or you kids in the background... Just fucking stop pleeeease...)
✘ Overpriced stuff
✘ The $10L image upload price & $30L buying Lindens tax  (Yes, I understand why they're there, I just don't personally like it)
✘ People who try to use a blanket IM 'disclaimer' in their bio (Linden Labs has a specific rule stating that you CANNOT post an IM or video of anyone anywhere else on the web WITHOUT the individual's prior consent. Some people wish to bypass this by stating in a 'disclaimer' their bio that they have the right to post whatever they want whenever they feel like it. REGARDLESS of this idiotic 'disclaimer', which holds no grounds, if you do so and are reported, you can lose your account and be permanently banned from SL.)
✘ Some of the tacky images & gifs used in-world.  (As a graphic designer & webmaster, this hurts me deeply... Any fellow graphic artists will sympathize...)

Despite all the bad, there's certainly more good to look forward to all the time. :)

⊱✿  A Few Final Words  ✿⊰

At the end of the day, I would certainly suggest trying out Second Life and recording your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It's a hella lotta fun! ;D